Social Bookmarking and Sharing

What are those Share this buttons for?
If you would like to share what you've watched, seen or read on Everything Entertaining with other people we've added an easy way for you to do it. At the bottem of each artical, you will see the Share This buttons, Each of which will let you share that artical with friends, online communities and the rest of the web.
These sites are commonly called 'social bookmarks' which have large communities of web users who share interesting, useful and fun things on the web.
These buttons will automatically add the address of the story you would like to submit from Everything Entertaining to these sites. This lets you share the post to any of the social bookmarking networks.
You will need to register for each of these sites, I recommend regestering for the Digg, Stumble upon and Social networks as they are our favorite at Everything Entertaining. All of the networks are free and extreamly easy to use. you can store, recommend and search for the websites and stories that interest you.
Short Discription of each Social Network. is one of the most popular social bookmarking sites. It allows you to keep track of what you read online, but also to share those bookmarks with other users, letting others find the stories you like. You can add short descriptions and keyword tags to each article you bookmark – making it easier for you to find them again, for others to find them, and for you to find other websites that might interest you! Learn more.
Digg is another of the most popular community news sites on the web. Users add articles to it – as you'll be doing when you click the button – and every user who then reads and likes that article can vote for it ('digg' it). The most voted for articles then climb up the rankings of the most popular articles on the site. Learn more.
Reddit is a site where every vote and recommendation you make trains the site to know what sort of things you like and dislike – so it can recommend other sites and stories that it thinks you'll like. You can submit sites, vote on ones submitted by other users, and explore sites recommended by the site and other users. Learn more.
StumbleUpon helps you discover and share great websites. As you click Stumble!, we deliver high-quality pages matched to your personal preferences. These pages have been explicitly recommended by your friends or one of 5,165,474 other websurfers with interests similar to you. Rating these sites you like () automatically shares them with like-minded people – and helps you discover great sites your friends recommend. Learn more.